所有退修會的弟兄姊妹 For Everyone
- 帶好自己的水杯 Bring your own mug/bottle
- 減少浪費 To reduce waste
- 茶水間和主會場都會供應熱水與咖啡 Hot water and coffee will be provided in the tea room and main conference room
- 頭燈 Headlamp
- 方便晚上的活動 Headlamp is very useful for night activities
- 個人常用藥 Medicine (if needed)
- 遊戲 (如果晚上活動結束後,還想再玩耍的夥伴們)Boardgames (if you want to play at the dorm at night) :)
- 合适的衣服 Warm clothes (这个周末白天气温较高)
- 舒適的鞋子 Comfortable shoes
- 防曬霜 Sunscreen
- 帽子 Hat
- 太阳镜 Sunglass
- 一顆敞開,充滿愛的心去認識了解教會的弟兄姊妹
An open and loving heart to get to know as many brothers and sisters as possible
對於住宿的弟兄姐妹 For those staying at the camp
- 衣服 Clothes
- 換洗衣物 Change clothes for the weekend
- 住宿用品 Lodging (Cabin only, notified only)
- 睡袋,睡墊,被子,枕頭等等 Sleep bags and/or pillows, blankets, quilts
- 保潔 Hygene
- 洗漱用品 Tooth brush, tooth paste makeups and other essentials
- 洗澡用品 Shampoo, conditioner and body wash
- 毛巾/浴巾 Towels
- 電器 Eletrics
- 充電線,充電寶 Charging cables
- 拖鞋 Sandles
弟兄姐妹的連結 Bonding
- 整個退修會,有很多的機會讓大家從不熟變得希望很熟。
There will be a lot of opportunities to get to know each other in our church. - 不管你的年齡,婚姻情況,工作學習背景,我們都是主內一家人。我們都有自己獨特的故事和分享,也可以彼此學習和建造。
It doesn’t matter what age group, marrital status or background we are from. We are all united in Jesus. We all have unique stories to share and areas we can learn from each other. - 做最真實的你 Be the REAL you
注意事項 Notifications
- 10點以後就不大聲喧嘩
It’s quiet time after 10PM. There should be no amplified music. Chitchatting is okay as long as you keep your voice down. - 不要亂扔垃圾 Do not litter
- 營地網絡信號覆蓋有限,ATT信號較好些。如需要WIFI,請聯繫園區.
Mobile phone signals are not well covered. ATT service might be better than others. Please reach out Redwood Christian Park if you need WIFI.